The Most Discreet Orthodontic Options for Adult

Choosing an orthodontic treatment doesn’t mean giving up your look in a world where your smile can impact your personal and professional life. At Beim Orthodontics, we’ve brought out our best options to bring your dream smile to reality while keeping your treatment under wraps. See our less noticeable options that blend into your busy life.

Subtle Orthodontic Treatments

At Beim Orthodontics, we’re all about giving you a smile that shines without putting your life on pause. That’s why we offer two effective and less noticeable options: clear ceramic braces and clear aligners. 

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces, also known as clear braces, are the perfect blend of the effectiveness of traditional braces with a more subtle look. Ceramic braces work just like metal ones. They use brackets and wires to guide and align your teeth. 

The difference? Clear braces use brackets that are made from a ceramic material that blends in with your teeth! This means you can smile, talk, and go about your day, knowing your braces are hardly noticeable.

Dr. Beim understands that our adult patients appreciate a hard-working option that doesn’t shout “braces” every time they smile. With our ceramic braces alternative, you’ll have a strong, reliable, and, most importantly, much less visible than their metal counterparts. 

While ceramic braces are more discreet than metal, they still require the same level of care as metal braces. You’ll need to clean and avoid certain foods that could damage them. But don’t worry; we’ll guide you through everything you’ll need to know to keep your braces in top shape.

Clear Aligners 

Clear aligners are game changers for our adult patients who want to straighten their teeth without the world knowing. Clear aligners are a series of custom-made plastic trays that fit snugly around your teeth. Each set is slightly different to move your teeth into place gently. 

The best part? You can take out your clear aligners when you eat or brush your teeth. This ability makes your treatment discreet and freeing, letting you enjoy your favorite foods without giving up great results.

At Beim Orthodontics, we’ve seen how clear aligners have transformed countless smiles and boosted confidence. Perfect for moderate to mild cases, clear aligners tackle misalignment with ease. 

You’ll wear the trays for about 22 hours a day as recommended by Dr. Beim, but of course, you can remove them to eat and clean. Your treatment time with aligners can last from 9 to 15 months, and you will typically use 18 to 30 sets to achieve your best smile.

Why Choose Discretion in Orthodontics

In today’s fast-paced world, the appearance of your smile can play a big role in your personal and professional life. For adults looking into orthodontic treatment, the thought of visible metal braces can be less than appealing. 

That’s where the need for discretion comes into play. At Bein Orthodontics, we understand that our adult patients want an effective treatment that blends in with their everyday lives without drawing eyes.

Our discreet orthodontic solutions offer the perfect blend of efficiency and invisibility to allow you to keep a professional image and social confidence. From presenting in a board meeting, attending a social gathering, or simply enjoying a night out, discreet options make sure the focus remains on you, not your braces. 

Plus, technological advancements have made these subtle treatments more accessible and appealing than ever. 

Choosing the Right Path to Your Smile

Choosing the right option for your smile is a big decision. At Bein Orthodontics, we’re here to help you make the best choice for your smile and your life. 

Beginning Your Journey

When you come in for your first consultation, you’ll get to know our office, team, and treatments. We’ll review your dental history, take some X-rays, and listen to your smile goals. Then, we start crafting your treatment plan.

Whether you’re leaning towards clear aligners or ceramic braces, it’s all about what fits your smile’s needs and goals. 

Understanding Your Options

Clear aligners are fantastic for those looking for flexibility and discretion above all else. With the ability to be removed, they’re perfect for adults on the go. 

However, they require a bit of discipline as you must wear them most of the day and night to get the best results.

On the other hand, ceramic braces are a great choice for more complex cases and still stay under the radar. They stay on your teeth throughout your treatments, so there’s no risk of forgetting to wear them. 

Ceramic braces work around the clock to straighten your teeth. Remember, with braces, staying on top of your oral hygiene is super important to keep your smile healthy and happy. 

The Most Discreet Orthodontic Options for Adults

Find Your Best Treatment at Beim Orthodontics

We’re dedicated to providing orthodontic solutions that cater to your lifestyle, needs, and look preferences. Whether you’re drawn to the flexibility of clear aligners or the discreet effectiveness of clear braces, our team is here to guide you every step of the way. Schedule your free consultation with us today in Lake Mary. Your best smile awaits at Beim Orthodontics.